The primary reason for this website is to feature a series of explorations on public health data, for methodically applying advanced epidemiological and data science methods to data. It is important to me that anyone following along can recreate my project outputs and explore the same data for themselves.
Doing this serves several aims, the first being to offer the absolute best functional content of hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of graduate and post-graduate education. You can find me on LinkedIn if you want to see the details of my academic efforts, but these coding projects stand on their own. No school is necessary if your purpose is demonstrated competence, and I will endeavor to build everything from the bottom up to show each step as necessary.
A second purpose of these coding projects is to lay bare our public data --for it belongs to us all, represents us all as a single humanity-- to those who want to reach beyond panels of "experts" and celebrated political narratives to hear the so-called signals in the noise. Reality is the final arbiter, and nothing has been hidden that will not one day become known.
My hope is that students, professionals, and hobbyists alike use these projects to better understand our world. While much of my work will center around the United States, principally because I live there, you'll find some global data, too.
So, dig in and enjoy. Click HERE for a complete list of available projects.